When I was a kid I would watch TV lying on my tummy. We lived with a cat called Abby and I was her human, she would climb on my back and drool. I didn't mind the wet patch on my back, her intentions were to be close to me and I trusted her. This was compassionate touch in the purrest form. Abby passed away, it turns out she was drooling because of a tumour on her tongue :(
I was blessed with many other beautiful and wise pets while I was growing up, my first memory is of one of my dogs. They all showed their affection with different forms of touch. When Acroyoga found me I rediscovered the wisdom of my pets, compassionate honest touch with another being.
Touch can be complicated and unfortunately passion is sometimes confused with compassion. Passionate feelings are natural and there is no need to feel guilty for having them. But it is important to be honest about your own intentions and communicate them to your partner. If someone is expecting compassionate touch and they receive passionate touch then it is nonconsensual touch. It destroys the most beautiful part of Acroyoga, trust.
My pets never learned any asanas but they are the most yogi creatures I have ever known. I trusted them and they trusted me. Thank you Tinker, Floppy, Abby, Lulu, Coco, and Molly for everything you taught me, your memories bring me smiles.
Further reading:
Drconfused said:
I really liked reading this. Short and to the point but filled with reflection.
Passionate and compassionate touch. This is something I will be thinking about a lot.
Thank you for sharing your insights.
February 09, 2015